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Quality and Accuracy Matter!When surveyed business contacts from Executive level to basic users, asking them to rate the value of the content inside of their current CRM, the results were stunning. The choices given were: Exceptional, High Quality, Moderate Quality, Low Quality and Non-Existent. With very popular systems out there like Salesforce, HubSpot and Zoho, it seems that the content quality rests strongly on whether the users will actually take time to document ALL of their communication. Some believe these results stem from the lack of effective management or accountability, FunnelMaker believes that today’s workforce is VERY BUSY and in most cases their job requirements produce a workload that makes it difficult to post quality input, thus the survey results expose a bigger problem. Your CRM solution should work for the user vs. the user having to work for the tool. FunnelMaker posts 95% of everything for the user, allowing each user to focus on their daily responsibilities yielding more client loyalty and a stronger attraction for prospective clients. Automation vs. Keystrokes What was the reason for the lack of sufficient data within their CRM? It is possible that some of the employees may have been obstinate or reluctant to use the system as requested. Some investigation revealed that the more common reason was that the employees were so busy they didn’t have time to keystroke detailed information. Face it, whatever is left out, is lost to the customer record, and decreases the effectiveness and efficiency of your CRM. Keystroking detailed phone calls with customers, in depth client details, creating and re-creating forms or emails takes time and time, as they say, “is money.” FunnelMaker CRM captures 95% of everything automatically, leaving you free to pursue more business and cultivate the relationships with current customers. Automatically posting to the client record, all email interactions, calls, text messages and more means that all you have to do is follow-up on your generated “To-Do” list! With FunnelMaker you can work smarter, not harder. Share: https://www.funnelmaker.com/blog/Blog43/Is-Your-CRM-Data-Exceptional-or-Non-Existent Share Category "blog":
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