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Your Ticket To Satisfied Customers.jpeg

The Ticketing Solution

When a customer contacts you with a problem that requires a follow-up, where will you record the conversation or note their issue or what actions have been taken or need to be taken? What happens when you’re not available, and they need solutions sooner than later? With no plan in place, you can forget about solid customer retention!

That’s The Ticket.JPG

Ticketing: Your Team’s Best Friend

FunnelMaker offers an integrated ticketing feature which enables you to route, manage and track the path of your customer’s issue more effectively. Tickets are linked to the customer, which allows you to have a complete view of their journey and provide a more thorough customer experience.

When your customer base is large, but your team isn’t, a ticketing tool becomes an essential element in organizing and managing your customers and keeping them satisfied. Here are just a few important reasons to use a ticketing system:

  • Issues, customer feedback, and inquiries no longer ‘slip through the cracks.’
  • Employees are notified when a ticket has been assigned to them and managers can easily follow the status through to completion
  • Easily categorize, prioritize, assign, and track tickets from one location
  • Superior accountability is created as management can view who is working on which issue and see progress in real-time
  • Resolution timelines can be set to notify management of next steps. No time wasted!

FunnelMaker ticketing system enables your team to receive requests, process them consistently, and effectively stay on top of their progress which allows them to focus more of their attention on solving issues. 

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